Blended Level 3 Paediatric with Onsite Classroom

This is a blended course where you complete 1/2 online and 1/2 in the classroom

Is the onsite level 3 12 hour paediatric first aid course for me?

This course is for anyone who works with young children and requires an Early Years First Aid Course. This course meets and exceeds the requirements of registering as a childminder or working in a childcare setting with EYFS, CSSIW and SureStart for people needing a 2 day 12 contact hour first aid course for Infant and children.                                  All our courses are delivered, evaluated and quality assured to meet all the current guidelines set out by the HSE  and meet the requirements of the First Aid at Work (First Aid) regulations 1981 and subsequent 2016 changes. All our first aid courses fully meet the UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 as per the HSE requirements.
This course is 12 hours long you complete 6 hours online and then 6 hours in the classroom at your workplace.

What is covered in the level 3 12 hour paediatric first aid course?

Can I do the Level 3 Paediatric first aid at work course in the classroom or onsite?

This course is a blended course where you complete 6 hours online and 6 hours in the classroom delivered at your workplace.

This course is also available as a onsite course and a fully classroom course

    How much does the onsite level 3 12 hour paediatric first aid course cost?

    This course has 2 parts.

    Part 1

    The Online section of the course is delivered by Pro Trainings. The cost for this part of the course is £30.00 per person. We will register each of your participants for their online course with pro trainings and will add the cost of the online  section of the course to the invoice for the classroon day so you have just 1 invoice to pay.

    Part 2

    This is the classroom part of your course. This is delivered at your business premises. The cost for this part of the course is £575.00 for up to 12 participates. You pay this part to us Thames Training.

    Need just a small number of people trained? Why not book our small group course. The cost is £150.00 per person, with  a minimum of 4 participant. This price covers both the online part of the course and the classroom course. The small group course is only available in Oxfordshire. We also have courses scheduled regulary that invidulas can join if you need less than 4 people trained.

    How do I book a level 3 12 hour paediatric first aid course?

    To discuss booking an on-site course for your business call us on: 01865 589600

    Please read our terms and conditions before booking.

    • Ted recommends everybody!

    • Yves saved someones life!

    • Life threatening situations!

    • Janice really knows her stuff!

    • Can't recommend highly enough!

    • Janice put my mind straight

    • "Before today’s course I felt unable to give first aid if needed.

      The course is not as daunting as you think."

      Amie Lawrence

    • "Prior to the course I was really scared I might forget what to do.

      The course was wonderful."

      Melissa McDonough

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